
Concerto in g minor vivaldi
Concerto in g minor vivaldi

concerto in g minor vivaldi

But my rela­tion­ship with this piece began last year, after Nad­i­na Mack­ie Jack­son did me the hon­or of ask­ing me to write the lin­er notes for the first disc in what will even­tu­al­ly be a set of all the Vival­di bas­soon con­cer­ti. I’ve played a cou­ple of Vivaldi’s oth­er con­cer­ti in the past. I hope that this will all prove use­ful to some­one out there, par­tic­u­lar­ly since this is one of the required pieces for the 2014 Meg Quigley Vival­di Com­pe­ti­tion. But first I’d like to talk a bit about my path to the piece and my meth­ods in cre­at­ing this edi­tion. You can down­load the whole thing (for free!) at the end of this post.

concerto in g minor vivaldi

I’m very excit­ed today to release some­thing to the world on which I’ve spent a great deal of time: a new per­form­ing edi­tion of Anto­nio Vivaldi’s Con­cer­to in G minor for bas­soon, strings, and bas­so con­tin­uo (RV 495), pre­pared using a copy of Vivaldi’s own man­u­script.

Concerto in g minor vivaldi